BE Intentional and Purposeful Today

8 AUGUST 2023

In THIS ...

"BE Intentional and Purposeful Today" FREE Newsletter


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We are dedicated to delivering online content that goes beyond keeping you updated on the latest digital opportunities and resources.

Our primary objective is to empower you to become a self-reliant and economically independent individual, equipped with the skills and capabilities to make a tangible impact in the world.

Happy Intentional Week Ahead!

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter, where we aim to provide you with valuable and uplifting information to enhance your digital journey.

Hope you enjoy today’s publication.


We are taking this opportunity to share the struggles and victories of women in our country as part of the celebration of Women’s Day Tomorrow, 09th August 2023.

🌟"Shaping Our Nation: The Remarkable Women's Struggle in South Africa"

As we approach the auspicious Women's Day on 09 August, we gather to commemorate and celebrate the indomitable spirit of South African women who have shaped our nation's history through their unwavering commitment to equality, justice and emancipation.

Their struggle filled with hardships, challenges and ultimately victories serves as a beacon of inspiration for us all.

The Early Struggles and Foundations of Resistance: The women's struggle in South Africa was deeply intertwined with the broader fight against apartheid.

During the darkest years of segregation and oppression, women like Charlotte Maxeke emerged as trailblazers, leading the way for change.

Charlotte Maxeke, the first black woman to graduate with a university degree, tirelessly advocated for women's rights, education and empowerment.

Her efforts laid the groundwork for future generations to come.

Uniting Voices and Defying Expectations: However, it was in the latter half of the 20th century that the women's struggle truly gained momentum.

Women from all walks of life, of different races and backgrounds, united in their determination to end apartheid's injustices.

The likes of Lillian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa became symbols of courage as they defied racial and gender boundaries to fight for a just South Africa.

Winnie Mandela: A Force of Resilience: One name that stands out prominently is Winnie Mandela. Known as the "Mother of the Nation," Winnie played an integral role in keeping the flames of resistance alive while her husband, Nelson Mandela, was imprisoned.

She faced unimaginable challenges, enduring harassment, arrest and even solitary confinement.

Mama Winnie Mandela was a lioness who defied oppression, refusing to bow to the cruelty of an unjust system.

Her courage, resilience and unbreakable spirit made her a beacon of hope for all who yearned for liberation.

Her steadfast resolve was a testament to the strength that women held, even in the face of adversity.

Women's Day: The Turning Point: The turning point came on 09 August 1956 when over 20,000 women from all backgrounds marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria, protesting against the discriminatory pass laws.

This historic march, led by iconic women like Albertina Sisulu and Sophia Williams-De Bruyn, was a declaration that women were no longer willing to be passive observers of injustice.

Their collective voices echoed across the nation and this day remains etched in our history as a celebration of women's strength and solidarity.

Triumphs and Achievements: The end of apartheid marked a significant victory for women as well.

The new democratic South Africa made strides in gender equality by enshrining women's rights in the Constitution, ensuring their participation in political leadership and promoting women's empowerment through policies and programs.

The role of women in the negotiations for a new South Africa, exemplified by Adelaide Tambo and many others, showcased their indispensable contributions to shaping the nation's future.

Continuing the Journey of Emancipation: As we stand here in 2023, we recognize that the struggle for women's rights and emancipation is an ongoing journey.

Today's youth are presented with both challenges and opportunities that require the same spirit of resilience and determination that marked the struggles of the past.

Our journey forward includes breaking down barriers in education, challenging gender stereotypes, addressing gender-based violence and fostering inclusive leadership at all levels.

Conclusion: In this commemorative month of August, let us remember and honour the brave women who paved the way for our freedom.

Let us draw inspiration from their stories of courage, unity and resilience.

And most importantly, let us carry their legacy forward by continuing to strive for a South Africa where the potential of all our citizens, regardless of gender is fully realized.

As we celebrate Women's Day, let us also recognize that women are the powerhouse of our nation – a source of strength, innovation and unwavering resolve.

Together, we can build upon their legacy and shape a brighter more inclusive future for all.


Thank you and onwards we march towards a brighter future lit by technology!

#YouthEmpowerment #DigitalTransformation #UnleashYourPotential

Empowering Youth in the Struggle for Economic Freedom.



In this newsletter, we prioritize equal access to opportunities for all. You don't need connections to access these opportunities; you only need yourself and your gadget. We're committed to empowering everyone and ensuring that no one is left behind.

We genuinely appreciate your presence in our inspired community. We aim to provide you with well-researched, carefully curated, nicely packaged and presented online opportunities, resources, tools, tips and free content to ease your digital journey.

Stay tuned for our next publication, where we'll help you navigate the dynamic and exciting digital space filled with endless possibilities to enhance your life.

"Technology should simplify our lives, not add stress and distraction. That's where the 'Be Intentional and Purposeful Today' Newsletter comes in. We provide a technological step towards a more fulfilling and empowering direction for the youth and their communities."

Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this newsletter, feel free to share it with others who might find it valuable too.

Our aim is to reach out and impact 3 million youth and their communities by 2030.

We encourage you to start sharing this Newsletter with your contacts at home, school, work, church, organisations, social media and any other circles you might have.

We look forward to working with you and your contacts.

Until next time...

Stay Purposeful, Remain Intentional!!!

Please share this Newsletter link below with your friends, contacts and neighbours.


NB: Please click on the LINKS to access opportunities and resources presented.

  1. Join Women In Business Market Day, 26 August 2023 in Soweto

  2. Women in Leadership Convention on the 12 August 2023
    Click on the link to register:

  3. FREE Webinar: “How SMEs can navigate the challenging environment.”

    Date: 17 August 2023
    Time: 10 am – 11 pm

    Venue: Johannesburg
    Click here to RSVP

  4. Subscribe for FREE: A 5-Minute Weekly Newsletter on Building Wealth

    Subscribe here:

  5. Interesting Stats about the World’s Billionaires

    All the world's billionaires = ~$11.8T. Guess

    Click here: how many individuals that is?

  6. Contrarians FREE E-Book on 29 Creative Passive Income Ideas

  7. Join for FREE 400k+ Contrarians in our free newsletter who learn the tactics and tools to achieve financial freedom.

    Subscribe here:

  8. FREE Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

    Take the leap into the world of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain!

    Register here:

    What can you expect from this workshop?

    An introduction to Bitcoin and its significance in the digital era.

    A straightforward understanding of Blockchain.

    Insights into Bitcoin and Blockchain's effects across different sectors.

    Future possibilities of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    A step-by-step guide on how to get started with Bitcoin.

    The goal for the workshop:

    To understand the basics of Bitcoin and Blockchain.

    To learn about Bitcoin's importance and its global impact.

    To explore how Blockchain works without the complexities of code or


    To develop a perspective on the future of cryptocurrencies.

  9. Amidst the ebb and flow of the entrepreneurial journey, there are visionary minds in our community who stand tall, undeterred by obstacles, and determined to make a lasting impact. We are thrilled to invite you to the Startup Grind Party, where we will raise our glasses to these tenacious entrepreneurs who continue to navigate the challenging business landscape with unwavering passion and conviction. This event is dedicated to commemorating their indomitable spirit and applauding their enduring commitment to their visions. If you are reading this - I am talking about you!

    Click here to book your ticket and see you at the party!

  10. Driving Gender Equality In Business

  11. Empowering Collective Change

  12. Click the link to tune in to Women in the Coaching Arena here or on your favourite podcast app.

  13. Join us at the Tech in Business Summit, hosted by Startup Grind South Africa, for an immersive event that promises to redefine the landscape of entrepreneurship. This highly anticipated gathering will take place on the 1st of November 2023 and will bring together industry leaders, innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs for a day of inspiration, collaboration and growth. With a focus on the intersection of technology and business, this event is set to be the catalyst for the next big wave of startups.

    Date & time
    Wed, Nov 1, 9:00 AM (SAST)

    Add to Google · Outlook · iCal · Yahoo

    Hotel Sky Sandton - 150 West Street Corner West Street and, Maude St Sandton, 2031

    Click here to reserve your spot: RSVP

  14. Read the article on Accenture's Investment of $3 Billion in AI to assist clients

    Click to read:

  15.  Internship Opportunities

    Learn more about our internship opportunities and how to apply: 

  16. Job Opportunities

  17. Job Opportunities

    #NorthWestGovJobs | North West Department of Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation is recruiting x15 Library Assistants
    Closing date: 25 August 2023.
    Click to download a pdf version and more vacancies.

  18. The Power of Personalised Perspective

    Read here:

  19. The MENA region, Reuters Events are pleased to announce the release of its latest report: 

    Financing Mena’s Energy Transition: An Introduction to Green Finance.’

    Stay ahead of the curve: access the whitepaper free here!

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