BE Intentional and Purposeful Today

10 AUGUST 2023


In THIS ...

"BE Intentional and Purposeful Today" FREE Newsletter


Access and Read Well-Researched and Curated Online Opportunities, Resources and FREE Content in just 15 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday.

We are dedicated to delivering online content that goes beyond keeping you updated on the latest digital opportunities and resources.

Our primary objective is to empower you to become a self-reliant and economically independent individual, equipped with the skills and capabilities to make a tangible impact in the world.

Happy Purposeful Thursday!

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter, where we aim to provide you with valuable and uplifting information to enhance your digital journey. Here's what we have in store for you:

Hope you enjoy today’s publication.


Today, we continue with our 4 part series on Digital Freelancing. We had to diverge a bit in our last publication in order to have a Women’s Day dedicated newsletter.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and pleasant Women’s Day.

🌟 Hey there, the "Be Intentional and Purposeful Today" crew!


Are you ready to unlock a world of endless possibilities and become the master of your own destiny? 🚀💫 

We've got some exciting insights and expert tips that will ignite your passion and set you on a path to success in the hottest freelance niches of today! 💼🌟

🌐 Digital Marketing - Where Your Creativity Meets Impact 🌐

Digital marketing is the gateway to making a real impact in the online world! 🌍

🚀 If you love creating captivating content, strategizing social media campaigns or optimizing websites for maximum reach, this is the niche for you!

Embrace your creativity and help businesses thrive in the digital landscape while enjoying the flexibility of freelancing. 💻💸

📱 App Development - Turn Your Tech Skills into Gold 📱

Are you a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation? 📲💡 

App development is the playground where you can turn your ideas into reality and create apps that change lives!

From games that entertain to productivity apps that simplify tasks, your coding prowess can lead to a lucrative freelance career.

Don't hold back - let your tech skills shine! 🌟🚀

🎨 Content Creation - Let Your Imagination Soar 🎨

Are you a wordsmith or a visual artist at heart? 🖊🎬

Content creation is the realm where your imagination knows no bounds!

Dive into writing engaging blog posts, scripting videos, designing eye-catching graphics or even crafting podcasts that resonate with audiences worldwide!

Your creativity is your superpower, and there's a world of opportunities waiting for you to explore! 🌈🌟

⏰ Virtual Assistance - Organize, Assist, and Excel ⏰

If you're the organized and reliable go-getter in your circle, virtual assistance is your calling! 🗓💼 

Help entrepreneurs and businesses stay on top of their game by managing schedules, handling emails and providing valuable support.

This niche offers you the chance to work remotely, be your own boss and make a real impact on the success of others! 🌟💪

🎯 Kicking Off Your Freelancing Journey 🎯

Ready to take the leap into freelancing greatness?

Here's how to get started:

  1. Identify Your Passion: Follow your heart and choose a niche that excites you. Your passion will fuel your success!

  2. Hone Your Skills: Invest in learning and mastering your craft. The more you know, the more valuable you become!

  3. Build Your Portfolio: Showcase your best work to attract clients and stand out from the crowd.

  4. Network and Collaborate: Connect with fellow freelancers and potential clients through social media and freelancing platforms.

  5. Deliver Excellence: Always go the extra mile to exceed client expectations. Happy clients lead to more opportunities!

🌠 Seize the Opportunities, Youth of Tomorrow! 🌠

The world of freelancing is calling and it's time for you to answer! 📢💼 

Embrace these trending niches, pursue your passions and let your skills shine as you carve out a path to success! 🌟🚀 

The journey won't be without challenges, but with determination and resilience you'll achieve greatness!

Dream big, take action and let the magic of freelancing transform your life for the better! 🌈✨

We believe in you and we can't wait to see you rise to new heights!

Stay intentional, stay purposeful and let your freelance adventure begin! 🌟💖

"Digital freelancing" refers to a type of work where people use their skills and talents to provide services to clients or businesses using the internet and digital tools, rather than working for a traditional employer in a physical office.

Thank you and onwards we march towards a brighter future lit by technology!

#YouthEmpowerment #DigitalTransformation #UnleashYourPotential

Empowering Youth in the Struggle for Economic Freedom.



In this newsletter, we prioritize equal access to opportunities for all. You don't need connections to access these opportunities; you only need yourself and your gadget. We're committed to empowering everyone and ensuring that no one is left behind.

We genuinely appreciate your presence in our inspired community. We aim to provide you with well-researched, carefully curated, nicely packaged and presented online opportunities, resources, tools, tips and free content to ease your digital journey.

Stay tuned for our next publication, where we'll help you navigate the dynamic and exciting digital space filled with endless possibilities to enhance your life.

"Technology should simplify our lives, not add stress and distraction. That's where the 'Be Intentional and Purposeful Today' Newsletter comes in. We provide a technological step towards a more fulfilling and empowering direction for the youth and their communities."

Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this newsletter, feel free to share it with others who might find it valuable too.

Our aim is to reach out and impact 3 million youth and their communities by 2030.

We encourage you to start sharing this Newsletter with your contacts at home, school, work, church, organisations, social media and any other circles you might have.

We look forward to working with you and your contacts.

Until next time...

Stay Purposeful, Remain Intentional!!!

Please share this Newsletter link below with your friends, contacts and neighbours.


NB: Please click on the LINKS to access opportunities and resources presented.

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  1. Recorded Workshop on: How to build your branded mobile App


  2. More about Unicorns.

    Once elusive creatures of the startup universe, are again becoming a rarity. According to the latest data from Pitchbook, July saw just 3 new companies reach the $1 billion valuation necessary to join the club — a paltry count in comparison to the 67 that emerged back in December 2021.

  3. Fully funded scholarship opportunities

    ⭕️ University of Tasmania Australian Government Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded)
    ✅ Link: https://lnkd.in/ecpkXqpE

    ⭕️ Rotary Peace Master Degree Scholarship 2023-24 (Fully Funded)
    ✅ Link: https://lnkd.in/evk3mSrQ

    ⭕️ Fulbright Foreign Student Scholarship 2024 in USA (Fully Funded)
    ✅ Link: https://lnkd.in/epTBi8gn

    ⭕️ University of Tokyo Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship 2024 (Fully Funded)
    ✅ Link: https://lnkd.in/e9rtHVEg

    ⭕️ University of Oxford Rhodes Scholarship UK 2024 (Fully Funded)
    ✅ Link: https://lnkd.in/eFt8aqwq

    ⭕️ Stanford University Knight Hennessy Scholarship In USA 2024 (Fully Funded)
    ✅ Link: https://lnkd.in/eGv3YE6b

  4. Create your next website with free premium WordPress themes.
    Free in August only... so download before the end of the month!

    Download Free Now

  5. Technum – Digital Agency & Web Design WordPress Theme

    A standout theme for IT, engineering, startups, agencies, business consulting & more. 

    Download Free Now →

  6. Conbix – Business Consulting WordPress Theme

    Powerful & versatile theme designed specifically for consulting and advisory.

    Download Free Now →

  7. Join us now for the Lab Coat Agents Virtual Summit: "Conquer the Market: Winning Strategies for REAL ESTATE Agents." NO COST, ALL VALUE.

    Secure your spot today!

    Date: August 17, 2023

    Time: 10AM - 1:30PM PST / 1PM - 4:30PM EST


  8. Spotify and Patreon launched a new set of collaborative podcast integrations today that will let podcast creators upload exclusive paywalled content from Patreon directly to Spotify.

    How it works:

    • From the Patreon dashboard, creators can turn on the option to sync current and future audio content to a connected Spotify account.

    • Exclusive content shows up on Spotify with a “Paid” tag.

    • Listeners on Spotify are prompted to sign up for the creator’s Patreon membership (if they’re not subscribed already) to unlock the exclusive content.

    Early testers of the integration included comedy podcast creators Have A Word, who noted that listeners had been eager for “a while” to consume Patreon-exclusive content on Spotify.

  9. Sell 10,000 copies of your book without major media or paid ads!

    Just CLICK HERE to register for my on-demand training!

  10. How Marketers Can Take Advantage of an Economic Downturn 

    Watch On Demand

  11. More Resources on Marketing Strategies to adopt during Recession

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